Headshot of a young man smiling faintly and wearing glasses against a brick wall outdoors.

Alex Woodrow

DevOps Engineer and Perforce Specialist

About Me

DevOps engineer with specific expertise administering Perforce Helix source control, coming from a background in server administration and IT support in small-to-medium sized businesses in the Videogames and VFX industries.

I work closely with production and development staff as well as the wider IT department to identify problems and develop solutions, dabbling in a number technologies as appropriate.

News and Projects

Robomerge - my first full DevOps pipeline Blog

A recent project that I got excessively excited about was a task to set up a deployment of Epic Games' Robomerge tool suitable for use in a Production environment.

Read more

What does an IT Engineer in games do? Interview

Into Games aims to make a career in the video games sector more accessible to young people in the UK. I spoke to them about my experience of doing IT in the industry.

Read the full interview

Employment History

Source Control Administrator - Team17 Digital (2020 - Present)

Working in the DevOps team of the IT department, my primary responsibility is the administrator of the Perforce Helix Core source control server that holds all of Team17's game projects

Associate Systems Engineer - Escape Studios (2018 - 2020)

Part of a team of 6 supporting the higher education IT environment of Pearson College London, I primarily supported the Games Art course of its VFX school 'Escape Studios'

IT Support Engineer - The Imaginati Studios (2017 - 2018)

A one-person IT department, I was solely responsible for maintaining the IT systems of the game development startup linked to Andy Serkis' motion capture studio 'The Imaginarium'

Office & IT Manager - Datascope Recruitment (2014 - 2017)

My first full time role was primarily as an office assistant, but over time I gradually took more responsibility for maintaining the IT systems of this small recruitment company.